
“Triple P” stands for Positive Parenting Program. Triple P builds on your understanding of how your family works so you can use the things you already think, feel, say and do in new ways.

Triple P is almost always successful in improving child behavior problems and it’s based on the following 5 core principles:

core triple principles

Triple P is really a whole “system” of support for parents because it is designed to offer as much or as little help as parents may want. From reading a Tip Sheet on a particular problem, to attending a Seminar or Group Course, or participating in individual sessions to address more serious issues, Triple P offers a variety of levels for parents to choose from.

Founder &
Local Implementation

Dr. Matthew Sanders is the founder of the Triple P- Positive Parenting Program. He is a Professor of Clinical Psychology and the Director of the Family and Parenting Support Center at the University of Queensland.

Dr. Sanders, has spent 25 years growing the Triple P Program from a home-based individually administered training program for parents of disruptive pre-school children to a comprehensive multi-level parenting system that can meet the needs of families with children of all ages throughout all aspects of the community (home, schools and health clinics).

How Do We
Know it Works?

Although there are many parenting programs available for parents, Triple P is one of the few that have undergone rigorous scientific research, not only in America but worldwide, to evaluate how effective the program is. There have been more than 90 different clinical based trials and results show that for the majority of situations, Triple P works!

Because of its proven effectiveness, Shasta County Health and Human Services Agency and First 5 Shasta have partnered to bring Triple P to you and other Shasta County families. We have more than 150 trained and accredited Triple P providers throughout all geographic regions of the county, who are here to meet your needs! To learn where to find a practitioner, visit our Triple P “In My Community” page.

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